First Annual Best of My Blog, Volume 1

One excuse for no recent blogs. Mountains to climb, Mt. Evans CO 14,264' I was going to do this on the first anniversary of my first blog post but I didn't get around to it. That was back in mid-June. I think it will be good for those of you who are just starting to read my blog to look over some of the old posts. I have selected some of my favorites for you here, with brief recaps, and links to the original posts. A new post is coming, probably tomorrow, lots to catch up on: travels, events and new projects. It's been a great summer so far, hope you are enjoying it too. First blog post, June 13, 2011. Link to blog post #1 This post discusses why I started blogging and what I intend to cover. Back in the dark days before I figured out how to put pictures in the blog. A great new venue, featuring farm to table at it's freshest! This blog post from October 11, 2011 is where I explain what I do for a living in the world of catering and special events. Learn h...