Reminiscences of Max & Me Catering. Part Three.

The previous two parts of my story are very good prep for this episode, either read them now, or after you read this post. Or don't. This post will mostly cover planning our participation in catering over 25,000 meals in the two week period before, during and after the Republican National Convention of 2000 that took place in Philadelphia, based at The First Union Center. Headquarters of the Union Pacific Railroad. Their history is great stuff. The first client we had for the RNC was the Union Pacific Railroad and by mid May or so most of the menus and pricing had been settled on and contracted. Max had actually been flown out to Omaha to UP headquarters to see the antique rail cars we would be serving on and meet many of the folks we would be interacting with ahead of time. The Electric Factory. Republicans once stampeded here. I'm not sure of the exact date, but our second client for the RNC came to us through our Electric Factory connection. Rob Jennings, who ...