Catering Governor Rendell's Inaugural Ball January 21st 2003. Part One.

I intended to write this post about 6 years ago as the event's tenth anniversary was approaching. I didn't. It's still a fun story and hopefully my memory will entertain and inform you about what was the biggest and maybe best event we ever undertook and executed at Max & Me Catering. As Governor Wolf prepares for his second inaugural, it marks 16 years since we took over Harrisburg's Farm Show Complex and turned a tractor and animal manure laden event hall into a fancy full on high end catered event for Pennsylvania's movers and shakers. Governor Ed Rendell and his wife Midge at the Inaugural Ball A little background. In December 2002, Max & Me Catering had been on a 3 year run of growth and winning venue contracts, and earlier in 2002 it was announced (after having to keep it secret for almost 9 months) that we had won the plum contract perhaps in Philadelphia catering history, the National Constitution Center. Integral to our success was the addition...