The Quagmire of Quarantining, a pandemic post, Volume 1

Note: this post was mostly written last April when the pandemic was just beginning. I have always planned to chronicle my experiences during this period in our lives, but life and all my projects always seemed to get in the way. Not that I have more time now, but I strongly feel a very positive change in the winds, and that if I don't write and remember now, I will have missed a chance. Vaccine #1! March 17th, Pfizer. PA Convention Center April 17, 2020: Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Quarantine. Darling? Yes or no? It sucks, but it may be saving our lives, so yes like a true darling of a relationship we have our ups and downs, but we'd have it no other way. So, if we embrace it and try to make the best of it, maybe it's transformative in a good way. That has become my approach anyway. The "Quagmire"? It is for me the boredom and loneliness that comes with the damn thing. Naturally social humans, of which I am usually one, crave the interaction of be...