Before I return to RNC 2000 and finish the story on the Bush Campaign Train, please indulge me as I update some things I discussed at the beginning of writing this blog almost 4 years ago. Sometimes my body thinks it's in a different time zone, today I think it's GMT. I fell asleep last night at 8pm and woke up at 3am. Solid 7 hours, but off kilter with the rest of Philly. Nothing to do but read, write and listen to music. So I started reading my own blog from it's inception, which I have never done. Realized I need to update some stuff. Here we go...
Like her dad, K couldn't resist the draw of the Rockies. |
When I started the blog I was about 3 months away from driving my daughter Katie to college in Denver. This morning I realized that it's now 3 months until we get to celebrate her graduation. Wow. For those of you who have kids about to go off to college, here's a warning, the 4 years will pass a helluva lot faster than your own college time did. I am so incredibly proud of her. Mostly dean's list every trimester. Changed from a Restaurant Management path to Sports and Entertainment Management before she started in 2011. She loves her career path, has had some very rewarding internships in her field, and has dabbled in restaurant work to augment my often meager financial help. Attention, potential employers: this kid is good and is book AND street smart (rare) and very driven. Love you K.
Colorado Katie. Love this picture. |
Me? My career has evolved from 2011 quite a bit with an entirely new group of clients (almost) but my over riding goals and m.o. have remained unchanged. I love to offer my end user clients the very best and latest in menus & venues and I like to do it on my terms. Meaning as an independent consultant with no boss to report to every day. That mode didn't work for me after my years at Max & Me Catering, I'm too headstrong and I hate routine. My current projects include work with Garces Events, Real Food Works, The Fuge event venue as well as Arts Ballroom, Electric Factory (see, not all new), and many other smaller events and projects.
At a recent snowed out event Garces Events donated food for 500 meals to a very
worthy agency that feeds and houses homeless folks. Spreading the love. |
One of my upcoming projects that I am really excited about is next month, it's called the World of Pinot Noir and it is being held at Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara on March 6th and 7th. I get to work for a great friend and former employee Damon Miele, who also just became a father for the first time. Congrats Day & Magda! There is still room at the Inn if you would like to attend, click here for website:
WOPN website I'm combining the California trip with a stop in Colorado to ski with a bunch of college friends (lord help me) and then I will probably stop at Catersource in Vegas on the way back from WOPN. Very excited for this trip! Listen:
Colorado, by The Flying Burrito Brothers
Me atop Mt. Audobon, Long's Peak in the background. Colorado 1984.
Always looking for a reason to share this picture... |
Looking back at the early blog posts, I was going to do something called The Philly Catering Hall of Fame. My first inductee was going to be Mr. Steve Poses. Okay the Hall of Fame has opened and Steve is the first inductee. Here is inductee number two. Mr. Robert Tomasso. A long time manager for Steve at Frog Commissary Catering, then on the Select Event Rentals, then for the past 10 years or so as the man behind (and in front of) the tremendous success of the Foundry venue in Phoenixville. Unfortunately Bob passed away last week, and I am happy I knew him, but wish I spent more time out there recently. I will never forget all his help and support at Governor Rendell's first Inaugural Ball in 2003. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace friend.
See Bob's Facebook page for how his family would like you to
honor his memory |
Career update. My brother Jon Spivak (generally acknowledged as the "Me" in Max & Me) opened Chive Cafe in 2012 and last August he got rid of the retail portion of the business to focus on catering and against stiff competition, he became the in-house catering company at The Fuge venue in Warminster. He also hired a very talented up and coming chef, Shreve Taylor. Amazing venue with great food. If you have not seen the Fuge, contact me for a tour.
Fuge website, click here. The Fuge is home to many Mitzvahs and Proms, but also is great for corporate events, trade shows and non-traditional weddings, especially Indian/Southeast Asian weddings that need a much larger space. Look out for upcoming tasting events (dates TBD) and a beer festival on February 28th.
Cousin Toby Johnson in the capsule at the Fuge. Photo credit: Julie Spivak Johnson, Sweet Potato Photography |
Here are some other things from the past with updates as well as some cool new stuff going on. Look for the launch of Jim Israel's new venture the reopening of the Vesper Club and it's associated Vesper Events. Jim will be inducted into my HoF soon. Papal visit this September will be very interesting from a catering standpoint with huge opportunities for those that get the business. We are probably days away from the DNC deciding who gets the Convention next year. Bring on the donkeys!!! Please?
Can't say Philly hasn't tried REALLY hard to get DNC 2016. |
Lots more to tell and lots I can't tell yet. Some I can only tell in confidence with a duly executed NDA. Stay tuned.
Thanks for reading.
DNC 2016 is coming to PHL. Couldn't be prouder, happier and excited to get to work. Looking forward to helping us put our best foot forward and show the world that my home town has become World Class.